Sunday, January 26, 2020

Applications of Mathematics in Real Life

Applications of Mathematics in Real Life Applications of Mathematics in Real Life Situations 1.0 Application of Matrices Matrix concepts can be applied in various fields such as: Quantum Mechanics 3D Games Animations Cryptography and Others. We shall analyze the last one which is Encryption in further details. Encryption is indeed an important measure of security when there are transactions of data between parties. Firstly, we shall make use of the AB = X and B = A-1X concept, where the matrix A is the Encoder and the inverse of A is the Decoder. As messages are mainly sent in letters, we have a set a relationship between letters from the message and numbers in our matrix. For our example we will take the following relationship. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Space 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 0 Now let’s encode our message which is â€Å"BAD†. Referring to our relationship table, it becomes â€Å"3, 2, 5†. We decide for a coding matrix A, which can be 5 2 4 6 1 0 2 7 2 As it is a 3*3 matrix, we can encode 3 numbers at a time. Encrypting the first 3 numbers, 10, 0, 13 (Matrix B) using matrix multiplications: 5 2 4 3 39 6 1 0 2 = 20 2 7 2 5 30 39, 20, 30 becomes the Encrypted Message which should be decoded now using inverse of matrix A. Inverse of A = 1/73 12/73 -2/73 39 3 -6/73 1/73 12/73 20 = 2 20/73 -31/146 -7/146 30 5 Decoding the message gives us back 3, 2, 5 which can be referred back to the relationship table to get the message sent. Note: For this example We need to have a matrix A which does have an inverse, we need to cater for the blank – space hence we can allocate a â€Å"0† for it The coding matrix as well as the number letter relationship is independent that is for some other encryption A can be 3 while B is 4 and so on. Conclusion: Matrices do play a major role in not only Encryption of Messages to avoid misuse of data, but in other fields mentioned above as well. 2.0 Application of Statistics â€Å"We live in the Information Age†¦Ã¢â‚¬  is a common saying in today’s world. It is a true fact as in our era as we make use of information in every field to be able to get an idea of what is actually happening and what we can do to not only to reduce problems of the past but devise ways and techniques for much proper less time consuming, less complicated, less costly and more beneficial processes to obtain output Statistics are the ways we can achieve the above by manipulating the data in their own ways to obtain a set of conclusions which will help us take many crucial decisions. We can also agree to the fact that indeed statistics are being used in many vast and important fields which will be illustrated below: Weather Forecast/Emergencies Precautions We make use of statistics to a very great extent in weather forecasting. This is so as almost every forecasting is based on data and information gathered from previous ones and in addition with other related data. For example: In reference to the amount of rainfall or cyclones obtained from previous years, we can have a close overview for the current year and hence take necessary precautions Medical Studies/Prediction of Diseases/Genetics Statistics have a huge role in medical fields nowadays. By referring to data and information on other past patients, we can learn more and extract new remedies and treatment not only to make the medical field prospect but help needy peoples. Also, using genetic data, some parents might come to know well before the coming problems with their expected children hence can prevent the possible problems accordingly. For example: Using information recorded from past patients suffering from a particular disease in a particular season, expected patients with the same disease can be protected using vaccinations well before. Politics To achieve a well organized political structure for the country’s well being, the potential people needs to be elected and based on their contribution, their work and their reputation on previous data, the obtain their chances to be candidates in next elections. Consumer Goods/Stock Market/Quality Testing Many wholesalers, retailers and even small scaled businessmen nowadays do keep tracks of both their purchases and sales which constantly being referred to be able to extract many important conclusions for better decision making and productivity. For example: If a certain commodity’s sales rises during a particular festive season, the businessman will know from statistics that he should have the item in stock for his own profit. In addition, it is crucial acknowledge what is happening in the economy of the country, hence statistics is a blessing here also as it gives us feedback and predictions for the future. Companies too use statistics to test whether their products are as per their customer’s wants and needs. To do so, they make use of product batches and hence it is time consuming for them to check for all the products. Conclusion: In the light of the above, we have seen that statistics are merely predictions; hence we cannot rely completely on statistics. However, they allow us to have better overviews of what is expected and hence we prepare accordingly to eliminate errors and mistakes. 3.0 Application of Regression and Correlation Regression and Correlation is used with sets of data, most commonly 2 sets of data to conclude about one main point, the relationship between the data. Regression deals mainly with the graphs of best fits for the data to be able to obtain the Correlation between them. Example: The Correlation: Positive Linear Correlation The study also includes the Correlation degree or measure namely the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, which lies between -1 and 1. Regression and Correlation is used in everyday life in various situations namely: In Businesses Firstly, to compare the previous sale figures such as to have better understandings for future sales. Moreover, companies are able to see how the varied prices on commodities have an effect on sales and clients requirements. Also, also the regression predictions will allow the companies to eliminate future problems and risk hence obtaining better business models with proper decision makings. In Regression Testing As defined by the Internet, Regression Testing is to verify that modified code does not break the existing functionality of the application and works within the requirements of the system. Therefore, it is a much easier and quicker way to find mistakes in systems to be able to implement new designed and modified ones. In Medical Fields According to Paul I. M. Schmitz (1970-1986), in the biomedical field, data in binary form such as disease/no disease or survival/death are very common. In these applications a multivariate normal distribution for the x-variables in both the disease group and the non-disease group was assumed. In pregnancy cases, the IQ of the unborn child is mainly based on predictions from regressions. Hence it is clear that regression played an important part in medical fields. In Education / Candidates Selection / World War Many institutions such as Harvard use regression models to be able to select the students that are eligible. Students also turn to counselors which uses the same techniques to predict the best school for the latter. For selecting best candidates for employment, companies do make use of regression methods. In the same way, during world wars, regression made it simple to pick the most capable soldiers to increase their winning chances. Conclusion: Like Statistics, Regression is of great importance when it comes to have predictions for the future to be able to make better decisions. 4.0 References Matrix Encryption [Online] Available from [Accessed: 26th 29th November 2014]. Maths Worksheet Center [Online] Available from [Accessed: 30th November 3rd December 2014] What Are Some Ways Linear Regression Can Be Applied in Business Settings? [Online] Available from [Accessed: 26th 05th November 2014]. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient [Online] Available from [Accessed: 5th November 2014]. Numbers Numerical Methods For Bioscience Students [Online] Available from [Accessed: 7th December 2014] Testing Basic Interview Questions [Online] Available from [Accessed: 7th December 2014] Regression Models [Online] Available from [Accessed: 7th December 2014] Paul I. M. Schmitz. (1970-1986) Developments In Logistic Regression Methodology. 1.p.2.1 [Online] Available from file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/860423_SCHMITZ,%20Paulus%20Ignatius%20Maria.pdf [Accessed: 7th December 2014]

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Reproductive Health in Nursing Essay

Reproductive Health Bill was introduced by Congresswoman Bellaflor J. Angara -Castillo is also known as  ³Reproductive Health Care Act of 2002 ´,assembled at Senateand House of Representatives of the Philippines, and now known as House Bill 5043 of 2008. It ¶s been years since the bill was approved in the senate, due to some churchconflicts, biomedical ethical issues and some scientific research conflicts. Today thereare still lots of Filipino citizen who are now fully aware about this bill and why this billwas imposed.Before I write this reaction paper I had to read the Bill twice and read somearticles, reaction and comments in the internet I had read books and research which isrelated to reproductive health, sex education and Bioethics, for me to fully understandwhat was the RH bill all about and the reason of the creation of this bill.Poverty, the main problems that the Philippine is facing today and they say thatthe primary factors that lead to poverty is due to overpopulation, the Philippines has apopulation of 64,318,120 in 1990. Today the population is ballooning and estimated toover 94 million according to latest census and the top 12 th  country having the mostpopulation. The population is growing by about 2 percent a year, giving the Philippinesone of the world ¶s highest population-growth rates.This is one of the reasons of the creation of the Reproductive Health bill to give asolution to poverty by eradicating the overpopulation problem, by implementing familyplanning, sex education and prevent the sexually transmitted disease.

Friday, January 10, 2020

A Review of Reserach Essay Depression Samples

A Review of Reserach Essay Depression Samples Working with this kind of global organization can enable me enhance my comprehension of child psychology from various pieces of earth. Research establishes which are more prone to depression. Researchers observe that depression contributes to a smaller key area of the brain. There's also a mood disturbance referred to as Adjustment disorder related to the depressed mood. A number of mental disorders like bipolar disorder are able to run in families. Anxiety results from both biological and environmental aspects. There is likewise some weight loss connected with depression. As everyone probably knows, writing any research paper is an intricate job to undertake, and a research paper on psychology is just the same. Making the thesis of the research essay will aid in the research procedure. Choosing research paper topics for such essays is extremely easy but attention must be given as the ultimate aim is to win the competition. If you would like excellent paper essay examples, reach out to us here today and we are going to do our very best to offer you the most suitable guidance. Unlike in school, it's not possible to come up with an academic project dependent on the student's opinion and skills alone. Year in, Year out, students discover that the report known as the research paper is the section of the science fair project in the place where they learn the most. There are lots of children advocacy organizations on earth today. Frequently the issue with low-quality papers is that students lack the crucial writing abilities. Descriptive college essays are rather popular among professors and students. Every college demands an application from every student who would like to receive admitted in the college. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. College students should use a suitable numbering for unique sections. The Argument About Reserach Essay Depression Samples The ideal way to proceed is to organize your notes in line with the points they support. If at any point that you don't feel up to the job, please contact You can write only its key sections or present a comprehensive plan with several subsections. To begin, you are going to need a great topic and a strong focus as a way to receive your paper outline rolling. Keep tabs on where the information came from so it isn't plagiarized. When you own a list of resources, choose those that you feel will supply you with the very best information for your research. As soon as you know your subject, you can commence hunting for resource materials. If you're one of them, think about using There's, obviously, a limit on the range of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. It is very important to use sources, but don't plagiarize. At times, the best method to learn and understand new information is by way of seeing and understanding work which is already completed. It's possible for you to narrate about that, but not argue and earn research to supply appropriate evidence to demonstrate your point. Examples of college essays can be quite helpful. You are prepared to compose your essay. Every essay should have a partic ular structure. As you are writing a college essay it's not enough in the event that you write it in simple words. The very first step you will want to assume is that your topic will probably be too broad, in other words, it is going to ask you to deal with an excessive amount of information for a single essay. You won't only acquire basic ideas as to essay structure and format, but could also borrow two or three ideas in respect to essay topics. Possessing good essay examples provides the reader an in-depth and on-the-court idea about what a well structured and coherent essay appears like. Start by brainstorming ideas on the subject. Every psychological paper must include a specific format, especially when it's written with the apa style. If you chance to go for an intriguing topic, your professor will acquire interested in your personality. Recent theories about this issue.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2760 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Analytics Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? 1. The trafficking of women, drugs and diamonds involve huge numbers of individuals and groups, there is a higher degree of transnationalism and trade patterns are very complex. There are thousands of human traffickers operating independently within relatively hierarchical groups and exploit tens of thousands of women and girls often in cross border operations that violate countries sovereignty. Under international law governments are obligated to protect their citizens from being trafficked through policies and programmes that aim at prevention and protection of victims. 2. A review of the laws and provisions of various countries provides an impression of the growing awareness and recognition of the issues relating to trafficking across the world. Most of these countries have made efforts to amend their existing laws or to introduce new legislation in consonance with international instruments. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "LEGAL PROVISIONS AND GOVERNMENT RESPONSE" essay for you Create order 3. Most European countries and US have adopted legislation against human trafficking. The same holds good for South and South East Asian countries including India and her neighbours. Infact in March 1998 in recognition of International Womenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Day President Clinton issued an Executive Memorandum on Steps to Combat Trafficking that pledges to combat à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“trafficking in women and girls with a focus on areas of prostitution, victim assistance and protection, and enforcement.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? The role that various government agencies will play is also outlined. International Framework of Laws An overview of select protocols and conventions that regulate trafficking at the international level is listed at Appendix E- International Framework of Laws Related to Trafficking. Regional Legal Instruments The framework of law in countries of South Asia is listed at Appendix F- Legal Framework in South Asian Countries. India à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Initiatives to combat trafficking 4. Prevention and com bating Trafficking of Human Beings has received the highest priority in India and as the problem is multi dimensional, we have adopted a multi-pronged strategy to address the issue. Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s approach to combating trafficking is holistic, participative and inclusive and is not just restricted to primary or direct intervention against trafficking but seeks to eradicate the menace through empowering the potential victims. 4.1 Constitutional and Legal Framework to address Trafficking 4.1.1 India has a fairly wide framework of laws enacted by the Parliament as well as some of the State legislatures in addition to the various constitutional provisions. These are listed in Appendix G à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"Legal Framework to Address Trafficking in India. 4.1.2 The premier legislation to tackle trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation is the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956. The Act is being amended in order to further strengthen the various provisions. Salient features of the amendments to ITPA Re-defi ne the age of the child from 16 to 18 years. Deletion of sections, which re-victimize the victims. In-Camera proceedings in Courts to safeguard privacy of victims. Enhanced punishment for traffi ckers, brothel keepers, pimps etc. Punishment for persons who visit brothels for commercial sexual exploitation. Defi nition of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"traffi ckingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ adopted from the UN Protocol. Setting-up of Centre and State nodal authorities in the States for preventing and combating offence of traffi cking through coordination, investigation, rescue, rehabilitation, judicial support, research and training. 4.2 International Commitments 4.2.1 India is a signatory to a number of international instruments such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and its Optional Protocols; Convention on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW); UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime with ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children supplementing above Convention and Millennium Development Goals. 4.2.2 It is also part of major SAARC initiatives for South Asia which includeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ SAARC Convention on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution; SAARC Convention on Regional arrangements for Promotion of Child Welfare in South Asia; SAARC Charter where trafficking issues are to be addressed at regional level. 4.3 Institutional Mechanisms India has a federal set up where law enforcement and public order are primarily State subjects. However, the Central Government too shares responsibility with the States for tackling organized crime such as commercial sexual exploitation rests with the Ministry of Women and Child Development, while the Ministry of Labour deals with all matters related to labour. The Ministry of Home Affairs is responsible for ensuring the enforcement of the various legislations related to the criminal activity of trafficking An example of Centre State collaboration is the high-level Central Advisory Committee to Combat Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation to deliberate on various aspects on trafficking and recently has formulated Blue Print for Action in the area of Inter-State Rescue Protocol, Prevention, Rehabilitation, Health, Legislation and Management Information System. The Ministry of Social Justice has taken initiatives to prepare a user-friendly system for speedy and effective restoration of missing, abducted/kidnapped and runaway children to their families. As there is a direct linkage between missing persons and trafficking. Therefore, a concerted effort to address the issue of missing women and children will be of immense use and help in preventing and combating trafficking. The Government of India has also set-up autonomous organizations such as National Human Rights Commission, National Commission for Women and National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, which seek to protect the rights of women and children. Policies and Protocols National Plan of Action to Prevent and Combat Human Trafficking with special focus on Children and Women was formulated in 1998, with the objective of mainstreaming and re-integrating women and child victims of commercial sexual exploitation in to the community. The National Plan of Action for Children, 2005 commits itself to ensure that all rights of all children up to the age of 18 years are protected. National Policy for Empowerment of Women, 2001 aims to bring about the advancement, development and empowerment of women. Protocol for Pre-rescue, Rescue and Post-rescue Operations of Child Victims of Trafficking for the Purpose of Commercial Sexual Exploitation provides guidelines for enforcement agencies and NGOs involved in the rescue of victims from their place of exploitation, medical and legal procedures to be followed and rehabilitative measures to be provided to the victims. Protocol on Prevention, Rescue, Repatriation and Rehabilitation of Trafficked and Migrant Child Labour aims to ensure smooth rescue, repatriation and rehabilitation of trafficked and migrant child labour. A blue print of action in interalia the following areas has also been developed: Protocol on Inter-State Rescue and Post-rescue Activities Relating to Trafficked Persons providing guidelines to the State Governments on the inter-state rescue operations, the modalities involved, precautions to be undertaken and responsibility of various stakeholders in providing services to the rescued victim. Prevention of Trafficking of Women and Children à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" It provides for various steps to be undertaken to prevent trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual exploitation and includes formation of adolescent groups and community vigilance groups, anti-trafficking regional networks, appropriate interventions that should be taken up in brothel areas to prevent second-generation prostitution, special measures targeting those communities traditionally involved in commercial sex work and rehabilitation of women who have become old to carry on the profession and are in need of care and protection. Rehabilitation of Victims of Traffi cking à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" It provides for action points related to areas of rehabilitation such as care and support programmes, community based rehabilitation, custody of victims, education and skill building of victims and their ultimate rehabilitation in the society. Human Trafficking Management Information System (HTMIS) provides a format for enforcement agencies to collect data on trafficked victims and traffickers. Programmes and Schemes The Ministry of Women and Child Development runs Shelter homes (Swadhar and Short Stay Homes) for women in difficult circumstances. These also cater to rescued trafficked victims and provides for shelter, food, clothing for women and children, counseling, clinical, medical, legal and other support, training and economic rehabilitation and helpline facilities. A relatively recent sheme known as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Ujjawalaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Radiance of light) is a Comprehensive Scheme for Prevention of Trafficking and Rescue, Rehabilitation and Re-integration of Victims of Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation. Dhanalakshmi, is a conditional cash transfer scheme for girl child with insurance cover linked to various milestones in a girls life. It is expected that the scheme would ensure that the girl child is not only born but also that she is enrolled and retained in school which would decrease her vulnerability to traffi cking, child labour, child marriage etc. The à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Integrated Child Protection Schemeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (ICPS) scheme aims to provide for children in conflict with law and children in need of care and protection improved institutional care, quality non-institutional, adoption and alternative care, counselling and family support, training and capacity building, CHILDLINE services ,child tracking system and website for missing children. While programs and schemes to rehabilitate and reintegrate victims of trafficking are no doubt important, the mechanisms to prevent the occurrence of trafficking or to create an enabling environment to prevent trafficking is equally if not more important. This is particularly important as trafficking is essentially a developmental issue. Economic Empowerment of women Poverty makes women and children vulnerable to trafficking. Hence poverty alleviation programs feature high in the list to combat trafficking and at the same time achieve economic empowerment. India has embarked on massive poverty alleviation and income generation programs where women beneficiaries are significantly involved. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme ensures at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year with 30% reservation for women beneficiaries. Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women provides updated skills and new knowledge to poor and asset less women in the traditional sectors such as dairy development, animal husbandry sericulture, handloom and social forestry. The Self Help Group (SHG) movement and linking such groups to credit facilities especially micro credit facilities is effectively used in India for both poverty reduction and a conduit for routing a wide range of social development messages and schemes.. The scheme of Swayamsidha Priyadarshini etc are some such schemes based on mobilization of women into Self-Help Groups. The Rashtriya Mahila Kosh an exclusive micro credit agency for women which provides credit to poor and asset-less women in the informal sector. Social and Political Empowerment of Women Economic empowerment of women cannot deliver desired outcomes unless judiciously combined with social and political empowerment. Education was made a Fundamental Right through the 86th Constitutional Amendment. Universalization of Elementary Education, namely the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, has a pronounced gender focus, and creates an enabling environment for encouraging more and more girls to attend schools with various incentives. The National Rural Health Mission aims to improve the availability of and access to equitable, affordable and effective health care to rural people especially poor women and children. To tackle discrimination in the provision of adequate and timely nutrition the National Nutrition Mission addresses the problems of malnutrition in a holistic manner. The Food and Nutrition Board of the MWCD has regional centers and community food and nutrition education units for mass awareness, nutrition education etc. for women and children. The program for Integrated Child Development Services is the largest child care program where children below 6 years and their mothers are provided nutritional and immunization health inputs. In this process, the programme enables an in-built tracking system to ensure the well-being and safety of the beneficiaries. Adolescent girls are highly prone to many forms of violence and abuse especially trafficking . Specific interventions for the welfare of these girls is undertaken through Nutrition Programme for Adolescent Girls where under-weight girls are provided with additional food grains per month. Similarly the Kishori Shakti Yojana program aims at holistic improvement of these girls and equipping them with vocational skills so that they can be gainfully engaged. Political empowerment-Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s concern for safeguarding the democratic rights and privileges of women finds its best expression in the Constitution of India with provisions which empower the State to make affirmative discrimination in favour of women. In a significantly gender empowering measure, the 73rd and 74th Amendments to the Constitution, enabled a 1/3rd reservation of seats for women in the local governance or Panchayat Raj Institutions in the rural and urban areas. These special measures ushered in nearly 1 million women in the electoral fora and decision-making bodies. Gender Budgeting -To ensure that all facets and sectors of the economy are gender sensitive the Government has initiated the process of Gender budgeting which encompasses incorporating a gender perspective and sensitiveness in all sectors à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" be it economic or social. Training and Capacity Building As the tasks for combating trafficking is to be performed by multi stakeholders, the government has laid stress on training and capacity building of different stakeholders such as NGOs, police, Social Workers, Medical Officers, Judiciary and Counselors with comprehensive resource material and communication strategies. Cross border One of the concerns of the Government of India is the problem associated with cross-border trafficking. The Regional Task Force of SAARC for implementation of the SAARC Convention on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution met for the first time in New Delhi on 26th June, 07 in New Delhi. The decisions taken in the SAARC Meeting included sharing best practices, setting up a toll free phone number for use of victims, capacity building and training programmes, wherever possible harmonizing national legislations to tackle trafficking and development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for operationalising the Convention, including repatriation of victims. To address the issue of cross-border trafficking between India and Bangladesh, the Ministry of Women and Child Development in collaboration with Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of External Affairs, UNICEF and Bangladesh Counterparts are in the process for formulating and finalizing a victim friendly Roadmap and Joint Plan of Action for safe, humane and quick repatriation of trafficked victims. Under this, both Indian and Bangladesh have identified that their respective Ministry of Home Affairs would be the focal point for repatriation of trafficked victims. The roadmap and joint plan of action would include §streamlining procedures and processes for safe and quick repatriation of cross border victims to and from Bangladesh; develop uniform checklists/ proformas /guidelines/protocols/case management systems for identification/ registration /interviewing; make appropriate provisions for the care and maintenance of children during the repatriation process; promote exchange of technical skills, especially of skill training/capacity building; set up safe, secure transit points /transit camps at border with adequate physical facilities. Given the seriousness of the trans-border trafficking scenario on the borders, interface has been organised between the law-enforcement officials, NGOs, etc. at various places. For example, a meeting are held between Indian officials and the appropriate authorities in Nepal and Bangladesh. Holistic Approach to Trafficking To formulate a more holistic policy and program for trafficking in persons which will incorporate all forms of trafficking (such as sexual exploitation, child labour, bonded labour, organ trade etc) and enable an integrated approach to tackle the problem, the MWCD in collaboration with Ministry of Home Affairs, National Human Rights Commission and National Commission for Women is formulating an à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Integrated Plan of Action to Prevent and Combat Trafficking of Human Beings, with special focus on Women and Childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. International Cooperation You will all agree that International collaborations, co-operations and sharing of knowledge and information are key to address the global ramifications of trafficking. In all our efforts, our UN partners have been very proactive. The UNODC GIFT programme aims in the South Asia Region to heighten the awareness on the various facets of trafficking. The à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Delhi Declarationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? as a collaborative effort between GOI and UNODC has avery strong commitment to protect all children from sexual exploitation and stringent measures against sex selection and violence against the girl child, evolve a synergistic approach in dealing with trafficking issues, reduce demand for prostitution, use of child labour, forced labour and to strengthen the collaborative efforts of NGOs, local Governments, and other institutions to prevent all forms of trafficking. In conclusion, it can be stated that the Union Government and the state governments have taken several initiatives to address the various issues related to the trafficking of women and children. The Plan of Action by the Union Government and their monitoring of the implementation of the programmes in the states have made a notable impact in addressing several aspects of prevention, protection and prosecution. There is clearly an undercurrent of gender discrimination and consequent exploitation in human trafficking. This can be addressed only if the issue of gender is integrated with schemes, programmes and policies in all the relevant sectors. Counter-trafficking measures, especially those relating to prevention and rehabilitation, should be integrated with the policies and programmes of all the related departments. Only such a holistic approach can, in the long run, provide the required empowerment to women and children, especially those in vulnerable circumstances, and equip them w ith safe livelihood options, rights awareness and guarantee against exploitation.